Hope is a Home

The Good Shepherd Centre aims to provide high quality, individualised and accessible services to people experiencing and/or at risk of homelessness.


Who We Target

The Good Shepherd Centre Kilkenny (GSCK) provides services to women, men and families experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Service users must be over the age of 18 years and referred by the local authority. Identified vulnerable groups to homelessness are:
  • People struggling with addiction
  • People with mental health issues
  • People with disabilities
  • The elderly
  • Low-income families
  • People exiting state care, hospital, or prison

Our Values

  • We RESPECT all stakeholders and ensure engagement and participation when possible and/or appropriate.
  • We work in PARTNERSHIP with all stakeholders to ensure effective and expedient responses within the vision of GSCK.
  • We provide QUALITY services, based on core principles of care and empowerment.

Who We 

The faces behind the GSCK

Emergency Accommodation

We have 38 emergency beds


Find out how we help families

Homeless Prevention

Discover a support programme